Separation –
Seek legal advice early so that you are empowered to make good decisions.
Separation is usually the point at which people stop living together or decide that they are no longer in a relationship.
In the case of a married couple, parties must be separated for a period of twelve months before they can legally divorce.
However, in some instances, the parties remain living under the same roof after separation. Our Family Law solicitors can explain the legal implications of remaining in the same household with your ex-partner.
Separation can be stressful and distressing for all concerned and if you have just separated or are about to separate, you or your children may need a psychologist or qualified counsellor to assist you to adjust psychologically and emotionally to your new circumstances and deal with the effects of events in the past.
Our solicitors can work co-operatively with these professionals to ensure you and your records are protected legally and your Family Law matter progresses taking into account your counsellors advice.
Although there is no requirement for legal intervention at the time of separation, our Family Law specialists can advise you as to your rights and obligations so that you are informed and prepared in relation to parenting matters and property division.
If you come to us as soon as you realize you are going to separate, we can help you protect your legal rights. We can suggest practical strategies which prevent unnecessary delay, cost and disadvantage.
We suggest you do not wait. Seek legal advice early so that you are empowered to make good decisions before, or as soon as, you separate.
We make it our mission to serve you with excellence and integrity
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