Property Division –
We can help you to navigate your way through what can be a complex family law system.

When a relationship breaks down it is necessary to divide the assets involved.
A property settlement process is necessary to ensure your financial wellbeing moving forward.
We can assist you to:
- Identify all of the assets of the marriage by obtaining full disclosure from the other party;
- Assist you to value the assets of the marriage;
- Comprehensively assess the financial, non-financial and homemaker/parent contributions of the relationship and the future needs of the parties;
- Provide you with expert advice about the options you have with regard to the division of assets with reference to the percentage division a Court might order; and
- Negotiate with the other party.
All our Family Law solicitors can give sound, practical advice in relation to negotiating a property settlement that is just and equitable and guide you through the process.
Please refer to our “Property Settlement Guide” for further information about disclosure, negotiation and property division proceedings.
Fiona Kennedy, our Principal Solicitor, is an Accredited Specialist in Family Law. She has a special interest in post-separation property division involving complex asset structures.
Download our Property Settlement Guide
Find out if you’re eligible for a property division.
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